Neues Kickstarter-Projekt
Percussa mSSP Eurorack-Modul
Percussa stellt via Kickstarter ein neues, sehr flexibles Modul für das Eurorack vor. Der Name des Gerätes mSSP steht für “Micro Super Signal Processor”.
Das modul arbeitet mit einem Quad-Core ARM Cortex A17 Prozessor (1.8 GHz) und verfügt über High-End AKM Audio Konverter mit acht Ein- und vier Ausgängen (192kHz-32-bit). Es läßt sich als Synthesizer mit verschiedensten Syntheseformen (darunter Wavetable, Granular-Synthese, Sampling und mehr) und als sehr flexibler Effekt-Audio-Prozessor einsetzen.
Hier die Features:
- Audio and Control Voltage I/O
- 8 inputs via high end AKM ADC with 32 bit resolution supporting sample rates of 192kHz, 96kHz and 48kHz (AK5558)
- 4 outputs via high end AKM DAC with 32 bit resolution supporting sample rates of 192kHz, 96kHz and 48kHz (AK4454)
- DC coupled inputs and outputs, eurorack voltage compliant (-5V to +5V)
- All inputs and outputs support any signal type (audio, control, gate, trigger, etc)
- Low-noise power supplies and op-amp stages, featuring 0.1% resistors
- DSP Processing
- Quad core CPU running at 1.8 GHz per core with NEON SIMD parallel processing
- 32-bit floating point ADC/DAC input and output with 64-bit DSP algorithms
- Capable of running multiple DSP modules in parallel on multiple cores
- Synthesis Engine
- Preloaded with 50 modular synthesis patches covering a wide range of synthesis techniques and audio processing methods (half of the patches are chosen by Percussa with the other half to be voted on by backers)
- Custom DSP software with more than 25 built-in synth modules such as wavetable oscillators, granulars, samplers, filters and effects
- Patches can use combinations of many fundamental DSP modules allowing multichannel and multivoice architectures
- Supports loading your own WAV files into patch modules via USB flash drives (e.g. load your own samples in the wavetable oscillators, granular processors, samplers, etc)
- Modify, store and recall patch module parameters as presets (limited only by size of the USB stick)
- Storage and recall of presets and patches with the press of a button
- 100+ pre-recorded samples / wavetables with royalty free license for (m)SSP users
- Supports loading synthesis patches created on the SSP by Percussa or the SSP community
- Development Kit / VST support
- Support to develop and load your own Linux/ARM VST plugins (requires linux knowledge and compiling code for Linux/ARM)
- Example Quad VCA VST plugin code written in C++ using the JUCE framework already available for download on github and ready to go, including documentation in the SSP forum
- Display, Graphics and User Interface
- 320×240 pixel high contrast full colour IPS display (wide angle visibility)
- 4x High quality Aluminium Machined Knobs
- 4x Endless and Click-less High Quality Encoders
- 8x Industrial Temperature high quality Switches
- Shallow menu system (no menu diving)
- Large fonts for parameter display for instant readability
- Signal input / output Oscilloscope features
- Connectivity
- 2 USB host ports supporting USB MIDI (MPE) controllers and USB flash drives (for storing samples, patches, presets and for loading software updates)
- Support for USB ethernet adapters for developers (see instructions in SSP forum)
- Serial linux console connector on back of PCB
- On-board Storage
- 4 GB flash
- 2 GB RAM
Das Modul soll 545,-$ kosten.